KantanMT Whitepaper Improving your MT

It can often be challenging to measure the fluency of your Machine Translation engine,       and that’s where automatic metrics become very useful tool for the localization            engineer.

BLEU is one of the metrics used in KantanAnalytics for quality evaluation. BLEU Score is quick to use, inexpensive to operate, language independent, and correlates highly with human evaluation. It is the most widely used automated method of determining the quality of machine translation.

How to use BLEU ?

  1. To check the fluency of your KantanMT engine click on the ‘BLEU Scores’ tab. You will now be directed to the ‘BLEU Score’ page.bleu
  2. Place your cursor on the ‘Bleu Scores Chart’ to see the individual fluency score of each segment. . A pop-up will now appear on your screen with details of the segment under these headings, ‘Segment no.’, ‘Score’, ‘Source’‘Reference/Target’ and ‘KantanMT Output’.SEgment
  3. To see the ‘Bleu Scores’ of each segment in a table format scroll down. You will now see a table with the headings ‘No’, ‘Source’, ‘Reference/Target’, ‘KantanMT Output’ and ‘Score’.table
  4. To see an even more in depth breakdown of a particular ‘Segment’ click on the ‘Triangle’ beside the number of the segment you wish to view.
  5. To download the ‘BLEU Score’ of all segments click on the ‘Download’ button on the ‘BLEU Score’ page.download

This is one of the features provided by Kantan BuildAnalytics to improve an engine’s quality after its initial training .To see other features used by Kantan BuildAnalytics please click on the link below .To get more information about KantanMT and the services we provide please contact our support team at  at info@kantanmt.com.