Ease of use and simplicity are always on the minds of our Developers, hence the making of KantanTimeLine™. KantanTimeLine enables KantanMT clients to view the life cycle of their KantanMT engine. This empowers our clients as they are able to find exactly what is negatively or positively affecting the quality of their engines. Clients are able to keep track of things such as, Training Data uploads, Translation jobs, Engine Tuning, templates, Build jobs and so on through the KantanTimeLine.

How to use KantanTimeLine™

Login into your KantanMT account using your email and your password.

You will be directed to the ‘My Client Profiles’ page. You will be in the ‘Client Profiles’ section of the ‘My Client Profiles’ page. The last profile you were working on will be ‘Active’.

Active profile

If you wish to use ‘KantanTimeLine’ with another profile other than the ‘Active’ profile. Click on the profile that you want to you wish to view the ‘KantanTimeLine’.

Click on the ‘TimeLine’ tab.

TimeLine tab

You will now be directed to the ‘TimeLine’ page for your chosen profile.


To restore an Archived Build select the Build you wish to restore from the ‘Archives’ drop-down menu and click on the ‘Restore’ button.

Archive and Restore

To delete an archived Build click on the ‘Delete’ button.


To archive a Build click on the ‘Archive’ button of the build you wish to archive.


To view or edit the description of a build click on the ‘Yellow Notepad’ icon.

Yellow Notepad

To filter the timeline click on the ‘Filter’ drop down-menu and select the filter you wish to use.


Additional Information and Support

KantanTimeLine™ is one of the many products offered by KantanMT to make  the integration of Machine Translation into the workflow of our clients seamless. For more information on TimeLine or any KantanMT products please contact us at info@kantanmt.com.

TimeLine can also be used in KantanBuildAnalytics. To learn how TimeLine is incorporated into KantanBuildAnalytics please click on the link below or contact us at  info@kantanmt.com.