KantanMT recently published a white paper on what global companies can expect to see in 2016 for Machine Translation (MT). The MT industry is rapidly charrows-151433_1280anging and moulding itself to the technical needs and globalization requirements of the present day. Our white paper puts forward six major MT trends that all businesses need to heed in order to stay relevant and ahead of their competitors.

Trend: Continuous Translation Jobs Over One-Off Projects

The localization industry has traditionally worked in a strictly ‘need-to-translate’ basis where translation projects were carried out when translated content were absolutely critical. These were usually one-off projects, which did not have to be updated in continuous cycles. Even till recent times, language service providers would work on single projects, which a clear beginning and an end cycle. However, with rapid globalization and changing technology in Machine Translation, all this is set to change.

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Today, translation jobs are a continuous and ongoing, requiring immense, on-demand and often realtime MT capabilities.

Many businesses including eCommerce, travel and hospitality industries do not work in traditional sprints and will benefit greatly from this new translation workflow in 2016.

Localization is no longer a good-to-have, but a must-have for businesses today, and this means that all global industries havTrend2e to translate content into multiple languages on a regular basis. Custom Machine Translation (CMT) ensures that these translations can be carried out in continuous cycles automatically, without break. fully automated usable translation is a ground-breaking phenomenon in CMT, and goes hand-in-hand with the new trend of continuous translation jobs in the industry. To know more about how CMT can solve the problem of online product catalogue translation, read our press-release here.

To know about the other 5 trends, download our white paper today or follow our blog because we will reveal another trend shortly. Stay tuned!

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