What is KantanAnalytics?

things to think about when buying MTKantanAnalytics generates quality estimation scores for automated translations generated by KantanMT engines. The better the KantanAnalytics scores – the better the quality performance of a KantanMT engine as it means translations are more accurate and fluent and require less post-editing effort.

KantanAnalytics creates a detailed project management report of all segments within a KantanMT project. This includes segment-by-segment quality estimation scores in addition to other useful project statistics such as word, character, placeholder and tag counts.

KantanAnalytics can help Project Managers make the right decision as it predicts the cost and post-editing effort for Machine Translation projects. Prioritizing the right translations through segment quality estimation will yield the fastest possible project turn-around.

How to use KantanAnalytics

  1. Login into your KantanMT account using your email and your password.
  2. You will be directed to the ‘My Client Profiles’ page. You will be in the ‘Client Profiles’ section of the ‘My Client Profiles’ page. The last profile you were working on will be ‘Active’
  3. If you wish to view the ‘KantanAnalytics’ of another profile other than the ‘Active’ profile. Click on the profile you wish to view the ‘KantanAnalytics’ of, then click on the ‘Client Files’ tab.
  4. You will now be directed to the ‘Client Files’ page.
  5. Click on the ‘Analyse’ tab.
  6. A ‘Launch Job’ pop will now appear on your screen saying your job has been launched. Note the ‘Job ID’ Click on the ‘OK’ button on the ‘Launch Job’ pop-up.
  7. You will receive an email notification stating that your job has been launched in the email address you use to register on KantanMT.com.
  8. You will also receive an email notification when the job has been completed.
  9. Click on the ‘KantanMT’ tab and select ‘My Jobs’ from the drop down menu.
  10. You will now be directed to the ‘My Jobs’ page.
  11. Search for the job using the ‘Job ID’, you can use the ‘Search Bar’ or go to the ‘#’ column and scroll till you find the ‘Job ID’.
  12. Click on the analyse Icon beside the job to view the job analysis
  13. You will now be directed to the ‘KantanAnalytics Report’ page for the job.
  14. To exit out of the ‘KantanAnalytics Report’ page click on the ‘Back to My Jobs’ button.
  15. You will be directed back to the ‘My jobs’ page.

To download the ‘KantanAnalytics’ of the job click on the download icon

Additional Information

For more details on KantanAnalytics please see the following video below:

To learn more about KantanAnalytics or get help with KantanMT technologies, please contact us at info@kantanmt.com or visit the KantanMT website. Hear from the Development team on the benefits of KantanAnalytics
